Case Studies*

Non critical medical escorts 

Elenore was going to Mayo Clinic for a series of medical tests that could possibly result in a prolonged recovery. Her adult children wanted to save their time off to be able to assist Elenore during her recovery period should medical intervention become necessary. Travel Helpers RN accompanied Elenore to Rochester and attended her medical appointments. In the evening after the follow up appointment, our staff member arranged a conference call between Elenore and her children to review her medical status. The Travel Helpers RN was available to help Elenore explain to her children what the next steps in her treatment would be.

Unexpected Delays

Clara’s friend had graciously offered to take her to and from the airport when Clara flew to visit her daughter. Travel Helpers met Clara curbside, assisted with check in, baggage check, clearing security, and flew with her to her destination.  After assisting in gathering her luggage, Travel Helpers remained with her until her daughter met her at her destination. On Clara’s return trip, again accompanied by Travel Helpers, a weather delay caused her return to be much later than expected. This created a problem as Clara’s friend did not drive at night. Clara's Travel Helper assured Clara and her family that she would get Clara safely home. As Clara lived 35 miles from her regional airport where she was arriving, and public transportation was not an option, this request required some creative thinking. However, due to her experience in dealing with the unexpected, and the Travel Helpers Ground Crew, Clara's travel helper companion was able to accompany Clara home without Clara feeling the stress that can arise from an unexpected turn of events. 

Airport Closing

Continued delays of a departing flight from Dallas to Orange County created a red flag for the Travel Helper. Experience, research and knowledge told her that she and her client were getting dangerously close to having the flight cancel due the noise curfew at Orange County airport. The Travel Helper utilized her ever present Laptop to research possible alternative flights and travel routes should the delays continue.  This information was invaluable in making the decision as to whether to deal with the potential cancellation by over nighting in Dallas or reroute to Ontario airport to ensure the arrival of our client in time to give away the bride.

Escorted Travel

A unique situation arose when two best friends decided they would like to take their three 9 year old grand sons on the Disney Cruise.  For the most part, they were very comfortable being on a cruise ship with the three boys. However, the days of travel prior to and after the cruise seemed a little worrisome.  Navigating two plane changes, and transfers of luggage and three rambunctious boys from plane, to shuttle, to hotel, to shuttle, to cruise could present a trying time.  Travel Helpers planned to meet the parties at their home airport and provide support while they were in transit from home to the cruise ship and return.  Unexpected health issues created concern with one of the grandmothers that she may not be up to all the fun and games as planned.  Rather than cancel the trip, Travel Helpers extended their service and accompanied the party on the cruise as well.  Remaining on call as needed, the Travel Helper was there to fill in  when rest was needed and faded discretely away when all were feeling well and up to making life time memories. 

*Names have been changed due to client privacy